design ideasAre you tired of seeing the same old kitchen tiles every day? Does your kitchen need a little pick-me-up? New kitchen tiles, perhaps?

If you’re thinking of remodeling your kitchen floor, then this is the article for you.

We can help you pick out the best kitchen tiles to suit your budget, aesthetic, and foot traffic. We’ll even discuss how tiling can help spice up your walls and which ones are best for your countertops and floor. 

Finally, we’ll pose some questions for you to ask yourself before you decide on which material to use for your kitchen tiles. This article will help you get a clearer picture of what you need and what you want.

Let’s dive into it!

Assess Where You Stand

design ideas

When you’re thinking about remodeling your kitchen, you need to start by assessing the situation. Decide on what you want to keep and what you aim to replace, repair, or remodel.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself before you get started: 

  • Will you be starting from scratch?
  • Do you already have tiles, and do you want to change them?
  • Do you already have a design in mind?
  • Will this be a small remodeling project?
  • Will this project be so big that you need to move your appliances?
  • Will you be doing this on your own?
  • Will hiring a professional be the best choice?

Take some time to think about these questions before you head on to the next step.

Placement of Your Kitchen Tiles

design ideas

Once you’ve identified the general scope of your project, now where do you want to get started? When you know where you want your tiles to go, you’ll know what type of tiles you’ll need.

Tiles can be very versatile. Decorative tiles are usually more fragile and thus suitable for areas with less wear and tear. Some tiles have a clean look for more elegant tabletops or countertops. Floor tiling will need to be more durable to withstand pots and pans falling upon them. 

On Selecting Materials

kitchen tilesThere are tons of options for types of materials to use for your new tiles. The materials vary in price, available colors, and fit different aesthetics. They also have varying uses and durability.

We’ll be discussing which will best fit your preferences further on, but for now, let’s focus on the materials themselves.


This is the most common type of kitchen tile. It’s both relatively affordable and durable. No wonder it’s popular!

It’s pretty flexible because you can use it on countertops, walls, and flooring. It also has tons of color and design options to choose from, making it a favorite choice for a decorative kitchen backsplash. 


Porcelain is similar to ceramic, but it’s more durable and water-resistant. It can withstand heavy impacts and high-stress environments. So if your kitchen has lots of people going in and out, this is a great option for your kitchen tiles.

It’s also worth noting that porcelain tends to be a little more expensive than ceramic. This is due to their density difference.


It’s great to know that this material absorbs 0% moisture and is environmentally friendly to make. A lot of glass tiles are made with recycled materials. Once they’ve served their purpose, they can also be recycled to become new glass tiles.

Glass tiles are a great material for mosaics as a stunning accent wall or focal point of your kitchen. It’s also a popular material for backsplashes. These decorative tiles for kitchen backsplash can be expensive so it’s important to determine if you’re ready to invest in them.

These tiles are better for walls than floors but if you do install them for your floors, it’s going to make them look lavish and expensive.


This type of kitchen tile can give your kitchen an elegant and modern look. Many choose to match countertops with floors. 

But even though it’s often beautiful to behold, this type of tile has a drawback. It can be very slippery when wet so carefully consider your options before choosing this one.


Slate is the kitchen tile you should go for if you’re looking for a more natural-looking vibe. This type of floor is also very durable, resistant to scratches, and can withstand a lot of traffic.


Travertine offers an earthy, rustic vibe to your kitchen. It usually comes in warm colors that give kitchens a homey and safe feel. It’s also nice to know that these kitchen tiles are recyclable, biodegradable, and can be used in their natural form.


This type of kitchen tile gives off a good mix of both rustic and modern vibes and has a subtly luxurious look. What’s awesome about these kitchen tiles is that they’re smooth enough to be comfortable in bare feet but rough enough to prevent slips.


Granite has a reputation as a luxury kitchen tile material. It’s also one of the hardest natural stone materials that are regularly used for flooring. This means it can withstand heavy impacts on the floor and lots of traffic in the kitchen. It’s also an outstanding material to complement your countertops or floor. 


Hardwood floors have a natural, rustic feel to them. Kitchens with this flooring have a comfortable, lived-in look and are very popular. 

The downside to this type of kitchen floor is that hardwood tends to absorb moisture. It’s also more susceptible to stains and worn areas than other materials, meaning this type of flooring may need more maintenance.

This material is a beautiful complement to your countertops, walls, and floors. It’s the perfect material if you want a kitchen that feels inviting and warm.


Compared to hardwood, bamboo floors are a lighter shade of brown. They offer a fresher, more laid-back vibe than hardwood floors.

Because bamboo is more rigid than hardwood, it absorbs less moisture. It also needs less touch-up and maintenance than hardwood. Surprisingly, despite its many advantages over hardwood, bamboo is a cheaper option. The only downside is that the designs are a little more limited compared to hardwood.

Matching bamboo countertops and floors are an attractive combination, giving your kitchen a sleek, modern look. 

On Design and Aesthetics of Kitchen Tiles

kitchen tiles

Your floor takes up a lot of space in your kitchen. You may not realize it, but it plays a big role in setting the mood of your kitchen.

When deciding on which material to use, ask yourself these questions:

  • What kind of aesthetics or theme does your current kitchen have?
  • Do you want your floors to stand out?
  • Should your floors blend in and highlight other pieces in your kitchen?
  • Are you aiming for a warm, homey feeling?
  • Do you want your kitchen floor to bring a rustic or an elegant feel to your kitchen?
  • Do you want the floor to help make your kitchen look more spacious?

Visualizing the end product of your kitchen helps in choosing which material you should use.

Take Your Budget Into Account

kitchen tiles While we’ve discussed different options for your tiles, it’s also important to know how much they’ll cost you. You’ll need to determine if the tiles you want will fit the budget for your project.

Pricing on tiles varies depending on the material used. Since man-made tiles are easier to produce, they are much cheaper compared to natural stone tiles. The prices will also vary depending on your location.  

 It’s smart to check around for prices in your local stores and online to see which one is a cheaper option. With this, you’ll be able to find the right one that fits your bill.

On Activities and Durability of Kitchen Tiles

kitchen tiles

Some kitchens are busier than others. On the same note, some tiles are more durable than others. A busy kitchen means more slips and accidents that can damage tiles.

Choose your kitchen tiles depending on how much traffic your kitchen gets. If you do very little cooking, you’re probably safe choosing the more luxurious but brittle kitchen tiles. If you’re the type of person who enjoys cooking every chance they get, then the more durable tiles could be a better option.

On Cleaning and Maintenance of Kitchen Tiles

kitchen tiles

The time people want to spend in the kitchen varies. Some have nice kitchens but don’t want to take the time to cook and clean. Some people spend a lot of time cooking in the kitchen and their kitchen looks like it. These kitchens will need more attention and care.

Your type of kitchen tile can help make cleaning and maintenance easier. If you cook a lot and have a busy kitchen, opt for tiles that are glossy and waterproof. Cleaning up cooking messes and spills will take much less effort with these types of kitchen tiles.

On DIYs and Professional Help for Kitchen Tiles

kitchen tiles

Some kitchen floor tiles are relatively easy to install. You can find so much content online that will guide you through the installation of your new kitchen floor.

The biggest problem you’ll run into is when you need to cut your kitchen tiles to fit. It can be tricky cutting tiles to fit snugly in irregular corners or crevices.

And if you choose a material that needs extra tender care, it would be wise to hire a professional. They’ll know the tips and tricks for custom installations. And they’ll also have the special tools to cut and install fragile materials properly.

Finally, when you have a professional on the project, there is less waste of resources. Your expensive materials will be optimally put to use.

Key Takeaway on Kitchen Tiles

With so many options, choosing the right material for your kitchen floors can be a daunting task. You’ll want to consider your budget, the overall aesthetic of the kitchen, the durability of the material, and how often it needs to be cleaned and maintained.

Even so, the entire experience can be an adventure. But take your time on this little adventure. Be sure that your kitchen pick-me-up is the happy boost you and your kitchen need.